Did you know that every $1 spent on employee wellbeing yields $3-$6 return on investment?

Source: Hendrickson et al,  The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Health, Occupational Functioning, and Professional Retention Among Health Care Workers and First Responders. J Gen Intern Med. 2022 Feb; 37(2):397-408.

Free Webinar:

How Healthcare Leaders Can Curtail The High Costs of Clinician Turnover and Build a Thriving, Engaged Workforce


Healthcare leaders face unprecedented challenges. A major challenge is stopping the costly exodus of experienced clinicians from their organizations. This course equips you with the knowledge and tools to transform your workplace into an environment where employees thrive and want to stay.

Key Points:

  • What are the true costs of losing a physician or a nurse? 
  • Why are they leaving and what are they looking for? 
  • What are evidence-based  initiatives that motivate valued clinicians to stay and build thriving careers and a rewarding workplace? 
  • What level of engagement is recommended for leadership? 
  • What is the "Leading for Wellbeing" Program? 

Register for Our Free Webinar

Learn how to implement a comprehensive Workplace Wellbeing Initiative with Dr. Wade's FREE webinar today! Video starts immediately.

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What You'll Learn in Leading for Wellbeing:

Enrolling in the "Leading for Wellbeing" course offers numerous personal and professional benefits to you, the (up to) 25 current and up-and-coming leaders you invite to participate with you, and, ultimately, your entire organization. Here’s an overview of the key benefits you’ll gain from this comprehensive course:

Enhanced Employee Wellbeing

PERMA-V involves leader and employee attention to cultivating positive emotion, engagement, (good) relationships, meaning, accomplishment and vitality at work. Each person is responsible for creating a rewarding work environment and supporting each other's wellbeing, physical and emotional. The culture is transformed via this shared understanding and responsibility for wellbeing. 

Positive Organizational Impact

By implementing the principles and strategies learned in this course, you will contribute to creating a healthier, more positive workplace culture. This can lead to reduced employee burnout and turnover, lowered replacement costs, and improves morale overall. Ultimately, a focus on everyone's wellbeing enhances the quality of patient care and organizational performance, creating a more sustainable and successful healthcare environment.


Build Leadership Capacity

Building a committed and enthusiastic team is crucial for the success of any initiative. This course will guide you in identifying and developing up to 25 team members with the right strengths and skills to inspire wellbeing throughout your organization. You'll build their knowledge of key leadership principles and enhance their emotional intelligence as they model and lead the workplace wellbeing initiative. This capacity building will extend to future initiatives as well. 

Practical Implementation Strategies

You will receive practical tools and strategies to design and implement a comprehensive workplace wellbeing program. From planning and execution to monitoring and evaluation, you’ll learn how to create a step-by-step implementation plan tailored to your organization’s needs. This ensures that your initiatives are well-structured, impactful, and sustainable.


By the end of the "Leading for Wellbeing" course, you'll have the tools and confidence to lead transformational change in your organization. You’ll be prepared to create a workplace where employees feel valued, supported, and motivated to stay and build their careers. Join us on this journey to become a leader who achieves optimum results through fostering a culture of wellbeing.


Meet the Instructor: Dr. Karen Wade

Professional Biography

  • Experience: 40+ years in healthcare and leadership development.
    • Nursing: Registered Nurse, certified in Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing.
    • Management Psychologist: Former Consultant at RHR International; clients include Bank of America, CDC, VA, AutoTrader.com, Schering-Plough, The Nature Conservancy. 
    • Program Management: Led USAID healthcare projects in Latin America, domestic projects in health and human services  
    • Books: "Career Clarity for Nurses," "Clinician Retention Strategies".
    • Current Work: Online course creator, focusing on  Adaptive Transformation,  including "Leading for Wellbeing". 
  • Specialized Credentials:

    • Ph.D. in Psychology/Organizational Behavior.

    • Specializations in Positive Psychology and Resilience.

    • HeartMath® Certified Practitioner.

    • Licensed Provider: Hogan (Leadership) Assessment Systems.

Learn More About Dr. Wade

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn how to implement a comprehensive Workplace Wellbeing Initiative with our expert-guided course

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